Sunday, February 28, 2010

Toddler Gum Infection

In recent days we had a conversation Grace Alvarez, Mutual Alajuela - Housing in San Isidro de El General, who gave us details of the credit system for purchase of lot and housing available to his client, for those residing legally in the U.S., incomes there, but want to buy in Costa Rica using funding.
The credit is available to those who can demonstrate through the Consulate of Costa Rica in the U.S., your immigration status is legal in that country, and to prove, through certification, sufficient income to the amount requested.
Recuerde que dos de los más importantes requisitos son:

- Documento aprobado por el Consulado de Costa Rica probando que la situación migratoria es legal en los EEUU, y - Certificación de ingresos por un contador o abogado en los EEUU.

Diego Quesada

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Honda Xlr 125 R Tuning

delayed until 2012 for the presentation of the model 340

340 model statement of operations included in record books developed in accordance with DR 1065/2007, in Article 36 which sets the filing period, mandatory telematics, would be effected from January 1, 2009. In addition it mandatory for companies benefiting from the monthly return of any VAT. The requirement for other companies is established for those tax returns for the year 2010 onwards.

The basic information contained in this model are all the entries in the record books following: invoices issued, invoices received, investment property, certain tax return.

Really English SMEs are prepared for the introduction of this tax? If they are not be adapted, as are already used to the complexity of the English tax system with its red tape, but how the Tax Office will manage excessive information you report on all companies?

Well, it appears that the legislature has heard the prayers, especially, tax consultants, and by RD 2004/2009 postponing the filing requirement for all companies until the year 2012.

Well, a little break and see if 2012 is postponed again or we have to work a little more to the tax.

RD 1065/2007 - change LGT
EHA/3787/2008 ORDER -
340 Form RD 2004/2009 - 2012

Monday, February 22, 2010

X-blades Seriennummer

Criteria "box on the VAT? Income Tax Exemption

Criteria "box on the VAT ?

The approval on April 21 at the Congress of a proposition of law which established the right to declare the SMEs and self only those shares VAT bills passed actually cashed , giving rise to the complaint from the cash, exclusive of far IRPF the detriment of accrual.

Will this measure to be really practical? His approval would a departure from the European regulatory unit, as in the bulk of countries of the EEC prevails on an accrual basis in the VAT .

This measure, if it were to take effect, give a break to companies that are financing public finances in anticipation of shares who do not know if in the end will be able to recover, as the default and delinquency rates are being ever higher.

But acting as tax advisers to this extent? How the consultant will monitor the bills actually cashed by a self ? . The current formal requirements of the autonomous make the advisor, or rather, "the presenter taxes to finance" as many times a consultant is not exercised, should not know the status of cash flows arising from the autonomous activity . It all depends on the seriousness and professionalism of everyone.

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of sums pay (ERE)

Exemption from income tax on the amounts received pay (ERE)
Although not a breaking news story and to resume the blog that makes long do I bring a little blurb the new treatment of severance payments Redundancy Employment.
From last 8 March 2009 the amounts obtained under this heading shall be exempt from the limit of 45 days salary per year of service (maximum of 42 months), to date the limit was at 20 days per year worked.
Until that date all amounts obtained as a severance payment that exceeded the limit of 20 days per year worked, not being exempt, were subject to withholding, with the new legislation these amounts withheld must be paid by the company to redundant workers.
Art 51-52 of the Statute of Workers.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Marithe & Francois Girba

Requisitos para las construcciones o remodelaciones menores a 30 m2, tapias (no requiera permiso del ministerio de salud), cambio de ceiling, roof deck, septic tank and drainage, earthworks (must have viability SETENA).

1 - Fill out the respective form at City Hall.
3 - Literal Certification (Legal Status) where Corporations.
4 - Study of the property registry.
5 - Two copies of the cadastral map to escadla, endorsed by AyA and ICE and MOPT INVU or if the property warrants it.

6 - Sketch of area to build location signed by the responsible engineer.
7 - Sketch sealed by Ministaerio Health declaration by the CIA or CR.
8 - Use of land approved by the Municipality.
10 - Certification of no debt to the CCSS.

Municipality of Perez Zeledon

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Osteophyte Formation Hip

On many occasions during the practice of our work we come across people who are just starting as owners of rental properties and have no real idea of \u200b\u200bthe implications this has both for them and for the tenants.
The development of a good lease is fundamental to the rights of both parties are protected.
This is a basic guide to the most relevant to your rental agreement or lease should cover:
Identify good parts: The first person to appear on the contract is the property owner - the agent or representative of the company that owns the property - and then he or tenants. You must include your full name, type and identification number as a minimum, but recommended including nationality, occupation, current address and marital status.
Clearly identify the property or to lease space: You must include the folio real property and cadastral map number. In the case of apartments or separate buildings must properly identify what is the space that the tenant will be entitled.

Concept of the contract must be given explicitly why it is carrying out the contract. Something like The Property provides tenants to rent to Tenant.
Contract expiration: State clearly what is the deadline for tenant to make use of the facilities given for rent. Remember that in Costa Rica Tenancies Act and Suburban states that the minimum of a residential rental is 3 years, regardless of which firm for less than that, the tenant shall be entitled to the same period.
Cash Transfers: Be clear who is responsible for paying the fees for public services. It is important to establish what new services may contract for the property, such as Cable TV, phone line, etc.
Security Deposit: The security deposit serves ONLY for payment of outstanding public service and if you have to do minimal repairs. Some people have a notion that can serve as payment of last month's rent, which is incorrect. The owner or lessor may claim in the event that the deposit is not sufficient to cover repairs or unpaid bills.
Furniture: Must include, without exception, a complete list with detailed description of each piece of furniture, equipment, appliances and more to be included in the lease. In the case of appliances should include the make, model, serial number and description of the artifact.
There are many other things that can be covered within the lease, and the permanence of pets, the maximum number of people can live in the ownership, use of common areas, conduct of tenants within the property and many other factors to be put in writing before finalizing the lease.
In any case it is very important that a qualified professional to advise on the development of the lease so that in the end does not encounter a situation that could cost you time and money to resolve.
Diego Quesada
Operations Manager trayectory.