Sunday, February 28, 2010

Toddler Gum Infection

In recent days we had a conversation Grace Alvarez, Mutual Alajuela - Housing in San Isidro de El General, who gave us details of the credit system for purchase of lot and housing available to his client, for those residing legally in the U.S., incomes there, but want to buy in Costa Rica using funding.
The credit is available to those who can demonstrate through the Consulate of Costa Rica in the U.S., your immigration status is legal in that country, and to prove, through certification, sufficient income to the amount requested.
Recuerde que dos de los más importantes requisitos son:

- Documento aprobado por el Consulado de Costa Rica probando que la situación migratoria es legal en los EEUU, y - Certificación de ingresos por un contador o abogado en los EEUU.

Diego Quesada


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