Sunday, July 4, 2010

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Election Experts Unmask A

keep Hugo Chavez leading the country

prologue (Press Release) - Jul 05, 2010 - Miami, Florida .- After much research, analysis, studies and months before of occurrence of the parliamentary elections in Venezuela, performing a complete compendium of all the evidence so indubitable evidence of fraud in elections and referendums in Venezuela during the years 2004, 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010. Vices and frauds shown are of such magnitude that produce the absolute invalidity of the same, given that flagrantly violate the universal principles and basic rules to be followed by all electoral processes, as they represent the manifestation of the will of the people through the vote.

The compendium is based on studies conducted by the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Universidad Simón Bolívar Metropolitan University and Princeton University in the U.S. and official documents of the National Electoral Council.

The importance of this compendium is that it shows without doubt that Hugo Chavez is kept leading the country, not by popular will but by fraud.

This compendium not only shows that there are approximately five million (5,000,000) virtual voters, who remain in the Electoral Register is also evidence that the machines are bidirectional, manipulated and in no If produce reliable results, as seen in the referendum of December 2, 2007 the machines failed and the date that appeared on the ballot, which are called physical score was 30 November and not December 2, also includes a comprehensive analysis because the result was not irreversible as in the time it asserted the National Electoral Council President Tibisay Lucena and that adding one million eight hundred thousand missing votes would have to scrutinize more votes than voters.

The election of 3 December 2006, using machines purchased after completion of phase audit, which put into question the results of the presidential election. This fact was reported to the international EMB CAPEL.

In November 2008, she was granted the victory to several governors of the opposition, which then seized their skills, with aggravated by the fact that just months later, in February 15, 2009, was held a referendum which approved the term limits by using ballots that had no date, to avoid what happened in the referendum of 2007.

Perhaps most striking This compendium is the trap that has been prepared for the election of the next September 26, 2010 by placing in Article 8 of the Organic Law of Elections, a parallel system to form and rearrange the polling stations so that manara will provide himself a qualified majority constitutionally required for some votes.

Clearly Venezuela has no electoral outlet and as a result is a civic duty to set a public position to restore the legal order and do everything necessary to restore effective of the Constitution and restore democracy.

We intend to promote a day to restore the rule of law in Venezuela, which allows us, when you change the existing situation and the current authorities are replaced, make a free choice, transparent and truly democratic where they elected the new authorities that will govern country.

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