A espadrilles get what is coming is joropo.
I add the following:I teach undergraduate and graduate Surgery Teaching Hospital Guaiparo care of in San Felix. Currently we have 60 interns and 9 district in the UDO.
is amazing the lack of formation of the neighborhood in, they confess that I have never seen microbiology, anatomy, biochemistry, physiology, parasitology, embryology etc, "just a computer teacher" have no idea therefore basic concepts such as aseptic and antiseptic, suture not know, nor how to behave in an operating room 'is very specific exceptions' graduated yet, although when we review every day for hospitalized patients, do not fit in the rooms, can not fit 609 undergraduates, 15 graduate and 22 teachers in a room even though we are basic questions which stripped his ignorance of medical matters, even when scraped product of ignorance, in my case the average of students in district is 1.65 out of 10 in spite of all that pass, apparently in the Bolivarian have self-evaluation, the co-evaluation and that means the note exoevaluacion that I get, the note I put my teammates and I put the teacher.
If I get 20 and my teammates make me 20, what the teacher says does not matter. He said they will go first and make iatrogenic abuse their own relatives in the neighborhood of where it comes from (the intended there) after a year opted for the charges in hospitals and with them the government will do what they do with teachers and pedagogicosque teachers prefer graduates of the mission from rivas even though they know nothing.
The following year these doctors opt for postgraduate courses in 3 years we will all hospitals overrun by 'experts' of all kinds who do not really know anything. Imagine the results, the government does not care about the health of its people. Raul Viera A Venezuelan Medical Uncover OLLA, Dr. Ángel Rafael Orihuela "We are experiencing a Barbarazo: expired medicines and rotten food.
The former health minister said that Barrio Adentro is a failure, adding that "here are Cubans who send." He points out that the incorporation of community physicians to hospitals increase morbidity.
"The government has released resources for health in a bottomless pit" Angel Rafael Orihuela graduated as a surgeon in 1972.
His teacher of Tropical Medicine, sage Pifano Felix, the researcher who prepared the map of endemic diseases in Venezuela who worked on the malaria campaign with Arnoldo Gabaldon, and had his eye.
Orihuela was an important student leader and was seduced by a party baby who had broken with Marxism radical MAS. The Ward finally stood next to the teacher. It was his right hand for 30 years at the Instituto de Medicina Tropical, UCV.
Pifano, which trained more than 30,000 physicians, waited every day at 6:00 am to review various topics. They talked about politics, literature, philosophy. Y a las 8:00 en punto comenzaba la consulta a dúo. Orihuela historió más de 20.000 pacientes durante las 3 décadas que dedicó al instituto. "Nunca he ejercido la medicina privada", dice sin aspavientos.
Y subraya que los médicos venezolanos, en general, no tienen una vocación mercantilista, como se pretende hacer creer. Fue ministro de Sanidad entre enero de 1992 y junio de 1993. Los eufemismos están ausentes en su diccionario: habla directo y de manera graciosa. Parece que los atajos verbales y los cumplidos le resultaran ajenos. "Lo que estamos viviendo es un barbarazo: medicinas vencidas y comida podrida". Suelta otra de las suyas cuando se le pregunta sobre el repunte de enfermedades observed in the country: "This is a disaster. There is an anarchy. We had 9 ministers in 10 years. The icing on the cake was Reyes Reyes: a pilot agency for health." And Spit subversive figures .--
In varicella (chickenpox), in 2008, were reported, according to the Epidemiological Bulletin of the Ministry of Health, 113,466 cases; in mumps had 200,707 cases in a year, the measles, which eradication took some money, and continued until 2000 with no cases, he reappeared with force between 2001 and 2003, when there was a record of more than 2,000 cases. There are 100,000, but the number is not negligible because that is a seed makes the disease spread.
3 weeks, 2 children Venezuelans who live in Canada became ill here and brought the measles in this country. That caused a red light in the Americas. There is also the case of pertussis, it was a disease almost exotic, rare, and it turns out that in 2008 491 cases were reported, and we are on the rise important. That's unusual. And what that reflects is that not enough has been vaccinated or that vaccines are not in good condition or the failure to respect the cold chain. It is also the case of yellow fever. Since the vaccine was invented in 1939, is one hundred percent effective, you wear them and do not die. After 20 years without yellow fever in Venezuela, there was an outbreak in 2002 and one in 2003 that left 34muertos. If not vaccinated 95% of each subject area, you epidemics.
Here we come to 50%, even in some vaccines in 2008. Were exposed 50 of 100. That is too much. He explains all these outbreaks we've had in the past 10 years. He did a postgraduate course in tropical medicine at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He graduated with honors.
was director of the Hospital Universitario de Caracas .-- There are diseases that signal. In the case of yellow fever, the alert is given by the death of howler monkeys. That happens at least two months before there is danger to humans. And what is done is to vaccinate about where the animals are dying. Why was the blowout in 2002 and 2003?
The epizootic and subsequent epidemic of yellow fever began in the Colombian side of the Sierra de Perija and reached the Venezuelan side after the dismantling of sentinel Casigua The Cube. You need to have sites, sentinel sites, where the risk of the epidemic. The guards who walk the hill are tucked who warn that there is a dead monkeys and I know that is an outbreak of yellow fever. Well, the checkpoint was closed by the government and then came the epidemic.
Why do you close? Ignorance. For most civil nada.Viste of the interview does not carry his medical gown. Born in 1944. Keep up the figures .-- There are diseases that are controlled by vaccination and there are others that are controlled through other mechanisms such as environmental sanitation, vector surveillance and food hygiene. In this he also faults. Four outbreaks of Chagas disease are oral, that of Chacao, the Coast Chichiriviche the Antímano and one of which little has been said: the Hospice of San Juan de Los Morros, in Guarico, which killed 8 old men by eating contaminated food. There is also the case of malaria, which, like Chagas disease, does not have vaccine. From 1999 to today reported 442,639 cases (an average of 36,886 per year).
From 1987 to 1998 there were 318,482 cases (an average of 26,540 per year). That is, when comparing the 2 periods, there was a 30% decline in malaria. Dengue fever, for which there is no vaccine, reached its peak in 2001 with 82,915 cases and it is expected that by the end of 2010 sesuperen 90,000. What are you relaxed? Relaxed the vector control, health education and food hygiene. Those three things do not work in Venezuela .. His wife Gladys (pediatrician) suddenly appears with a grandson of months. Orihuela transforms. Smiles placidly.
The baby's grandmother emigrated with .-- Two items failed to bring out the meaning Barrio Adentro for salud.Uno primary one is the vacunación.Eso is a disaster. The proof: the epidemic that has habido.Segundo, care of deliveries. It is assumed that normal births (babies born without any difficulty) would be treated in Barrio Adentro modules. Only quote this figure, which is from 2007: born in Venezuela, a total of 586,000 attended niños.Y Barrio Adentro only 1,800 births. In other words, they were out 584,200. Conclusion: it is useless.
to create something better than what we had simply run out of the goat and without the rope. Now, that has an explanation in the head official: 9 Ministers of Health in 10 years. What continuity is there?
And of those 9, the last 3 are military. They are actually 4 because the current is also military, but a doctor, at least. He was my student and my goddaughter promotion. It is full of good intentions, but is unable to act because action is not strong. Here are Cubans who send. The day a minister of health pot the Cubans in the country, begin to improve. He commented that it is undeniable that the Government has set aside huge resources for health. Supports it. And then shoots .-- We agree. What happens is that has launched in a bottomless pit because that is a black box. Is unprecedented. I want you to deliver a single sheet of control. A spreadsheet. I say, must have.
We go to a specific point: the government invested 1.7 billion bolivars in a rehabilitation hospital during the administration of Jesus Mantilla. I want you to deliver the results of those pennies because they all lost. Everyone, absolutely everyone was stolen.
The Government may have spent a lot of money, but not noticed. If I'm told I spent so much on the agenda of endemic diseases and today, instead of almost 40,000 cases of malaria, I have 5,000: applause, perfect. Instead of having dengue 90,000, at 10,000 I have it: wonderful. If I say there is a vaccination coverage of 95% and there is no epidemic of chicken pox or mumps, very well. But where are the results? Not seen. The rest is talk straw touches on the incorporation of students in the fifth year of community medicine to hospitals. Almost bark .--
is the worst of everything that has happened to the Government. Those guys, they could be useful in prevention, health education, will be sent the first line of shock: the hospitals. This is a course so pirate they are shipped back and give the Cubans that, to become legal, they alleged expertise in Cuba .. We do not know if they are doctors. Will increase the morbidity in hospitals. Because, when faced with a myocardial infarction, acute pulmonary edema or a broken placenta, these guys are practically a functional illiterate. They are not prepared for that. This will increase the amount demuertos in hospitals for improper care, so care is called iatrogenic.
These doctors created by real socialism in the Soviet Union saw. The doctor visited Pifano Once the USSR and was amazed because the curriculum included 1,600 hours of Marxism. There was to typhoid fever epidemic. And in China created the so-called barefoot doctors, another act of piracy supreme Mao Tse-Tung. And Chavez is also another copy of it copied: the fossil of Fidel Castro. That will be a
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