Chavez refused to help refugees Iraq for Syria
constantly watch the fallacies which this government and waste of resources without the other, only they, will benefit from that. It's a bragging money before the whole world without the aid will translate to humans.
Chavez arrived in Syria, a country ruled by a dictatorship very similar to his, but also a country with limited resources and plagued by many problems, all politicized and antiamericanizados. Syria has an undetermined number, but large, Iraqi refugees in need of a great human support. It is a human group that Venezuela can help. Syria has no job, no way to insert these men and women in a society, do not have the resources to do so. But as they politicize everything cultivate hatred and their impotence to countries like the United States and Britain. Venezuela should supporting this group of refugees, mostly college educated, there are many doctors, administrators, engineers ... We had among many intentions that were signed there, proposing a way for these refugees to settle in Venezuela on very specific areas where they are needed and in regions where they can be useful, where they can develop their dreams and feel again people. Venezuela had proposed to Jordan and Syria to help Iraqi refugees leaving the violence in their country. Many think that violence in Venezuela is worse than what exists in Iraq. True, we have become one of the most violent country in the world, far above the war in Iraq, but we resources so that these professionals come to Venezuela to work in places with relative safety.
know that this proposal was presented to Hugo Chavez and discarded without a second thought, denied that Venezuela could help these humans, possibly as if they were to terrorist past, opens the doors.
poor country in which we have become.
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