Ministry of Propaganda: "Health in Venezuela is the world's first"
According to statements by Fidel Castro today proclaims that Venezuela will reach the level of first world medical care by Cuban doctors. This is the most laughable and liar who would have listened to this crock. It is impossible to what he says, but either is a compulsive liar who lives in a parallel world, or "have misled" as many say that Hugo Chavez.
What I do not know Fidel Castro and we do know is the degree of professionalism and quality of the Cuban doctors have been deployed in Venezuela:
20% of Cuba sends doctors to Venezuela seizes on the ways and appear green seeking asylum in Miami.
The number of cases for all the Venezuelan geography of medical malpractice cases by these medical professionals stopped counting, thousands. Such unlikely things we know that these Cubans are not doctors and have nothing to do with medicine. There are many cases of children treated with pills and adult strength and will become intoxicated by drugs coming to the hospitals, not to mention that the above treatments have nothing to do with the diagnoses, and the amount of misdiagnosis and worsening of diseases of inaction are enormous.
modules are built in abandoned neighborhood, more than 80% have been robbed and they are a wreck.
Integral Diagnostic Centers are on the ground, are useless.
Of course, statistics are wonderful, but of course the paper is patient and if not invent know that would uncover the rotten pot that they have become.
If the paper we will, of course, the level of health is wonderful, but I would like Castro or Chavez himself will visit about 10 Commission and Barrio Adentro, incognito and before they settle through which the queen, and themselves make their statistics.
Health in Venezuela is a huge pot of corruption which are involved IVSS managers and the Ministry of Health.
We Venezuelans know what kind of health we have, and that is and will remain for a long time despite the propaganda that they put us, the Third World.
play with the ignorance of Venezuela, 95% do not know how the first world medicine.
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