Thursday, June 17, 2010

How Many Calories In Halal Food

Hugo Chavez, wipes, how important have not expropriated

Hugo How are you?

Arrecho "? Crabs that "nothing is going right? Sick of the incompetence that surrounds you? I understand, the sheath must be frustrating, but I, corduroy and all, I have the solution.

you divided the country into two wands, those who love and despise you. You divided wrong, that's your problem, you did not know to the line of division.

The country was already divided before you came, but not as you think, in rich and poor, but competent and incompetent.

The competent, create, create wealth, create progress, create money, create jobs, create beauty, although it sounds crazy, redundant created creation.

The others create nothing, are beggars, eye, that does not mean they do not have money, they may have, but not know how to create.

know, is like ... Imagine two tribes reach an island, a beautiful island full of food animals, and fruits and vegetables and everything.

A tribe is dedicated to collect and hunt what you get, the other decides to create ways of planting, raising animals, to fight against nature to independent as possible of it. After Over time, wild animals and plants become scarce, so the tribal hunter-gatherers began to starve, the other not, because the other does not collect food, creates.

And therein lies the problem, Hugo, you divide your country into gatherers / hunters and growers / farmers, and stayed with the first, discarding the latter, attacking them, deleting them.

see, Hugo, years ago a man came to Venezuela, a country where there was no television, and this man had an idea to start a television channel can imagine! A gamble, a television channel in a country where nobody had a television set would you like people? Would you be willing to pay for an appliance for your idea crystallized? Bet it was not simple, but he bet.

And that brilliant mind was surrounded by lots of people, the more capable, more creative, the wisest, most workers, from engineers to workers innovative capacity, and in central, coordinating all that great.

And that channel was representative of what we can do Venezuelans up which point the ingenuity and perseverance can build, until you came, and I wanted to get at the work created. Then he forbade transmitting an open signal to have an excuse to steal his work. But do not work, for some strange reason, which in his hands was a very profitable channel seen in your hands became a terrible eyesore and unnecessary loss-making.

Today definitely end up with that channel (or so they think), because you can not stand it, his life reminds you that you do not steal avail.

And so I always happens, Hugo, is a constant, productive farms that your hands are wastelands, rating channels to export software to become clunkers that do not see and those who support you, trocar productive industries in other streams, hotels end up being crummy pension, just in storage markets, banks that end up in brothels, loan sharks ...

And so on and always ...

What, Hugo? Why nothing works for you? How do you steal gold chains and necklaces just plastic? What fails, Hugo? What is wrong?

got the money, you have the strength, have the power and does not work! Nothing will work! You've spent millions on weapons to frighten, to intimidate, have regular and irregular armies under your command to press, you have bought wills ... And nothing works! CoƱ0 of madr3! Do not work!

And do not understand, you are prey to anger because they do not understand what does not work because you are unable to use many resources and not create, but even to maintain what those men did.

I do not know, Hugo, I know what is the problem, I know where is your fault. The error is that it has expropriated the cornerstone of all this, you have not expropriated making supermarket is a supermarket and do not hold, making a channel to be seen and not a hodgepodge unpalatable that sees neither the mother of director That makes a hotel is always packed and do not seem flophouse ... Soul, Hugo! The soul! That's what you have to seize!

The soul, that which makes a man to create, produce, make, make up. That thing you can overcome obstacles, that marvelous thing that makes a man, a speck in the universe, becomes a giant capable of transforming their environment, submit to your desires.

is not money, Hugo, your problem is understanding, not money, is love, pride, it's tenacity, not to win more money, you have an idea, fall in love with her, bring the idea to reality, see it grow, see form, see who comes to life and marvel telling "that I did" not believe that you exist, that there would be no wonder that is there because the thinking, the imagined, the did. It is felt that although this work does not go to the best of the history of humanity, or even country, will be part of history Many people, people who one way or another or her work.

The problem, Hugo, is that when you seize, you steal, but only physically steal, steal buildings, furniture, machines, but those are just material things, what really moves the whole is the sum of wills , which moves all the brains and souls of millions of men and women who make things have life, because things, when they have the soul of man that makes them useful, they are nothing. Shoes, Hugo, are nothing if man does not have to give them life, they are unable by themselves to make road signs and marking, are just a mix of leather, soles, thread and paste, but not the mind of man are nothing.

And you, Hugo, are a poor creature, a primitive think that if a man will steal your shoes, you walk like him. What you have to expropriate, Hugo, is the soul, and that you can not steal, no matter how many guns you have, or how many dressed in green monkeys send intimidating, no matter how afraid you sow, or how much money gifts, you can not steal the soul and that is your arrechera! That what we want to remove, you can remove us, even us, even wanting to give it, we can do, because the soul is not transferable.

Unfortunately, Hugo, you can take me home, my business, my money, and even my life, but more than that, I can remove, you can even break my soul, you is not refuse, but you can not use ever!

So, that is, Hugo. That is what you should seize so that things will work, and as you can not ...


© 2010, Ernetinas Mogollones. Licensed under Creative Commons by-nc-nd. When you copy you must place a link original publication.


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