Monday, January 17, 2011

Delhi School Tyagi Public School

Venezuela and Iran arming a military base

In an exclusive report, the journalist Pepe Eliaschev reveals that Iran's regime began to inject 4,500 million dollars to strengthen its influence and operations in South America, with the help of his chief ally, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez , a move that seems to ignore the Argentine government.


The 4,500 million dollars that began injecting in the international machinery the government of Iran to strengthen dramatically influence and operations in South America, could constitute a serious and troubling new scenario for Argentina. It is unknown whether the Embassy of Argentina in Caracas and the leadership of the Ministry of Intelligence kept informed of these affairs to President Cristina Kirchner, who at this time mixing tourism, business and protocol for the volatile Middle East.
For the moment, in Tehran, the government of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waits for the Persian New Year 1390, held in March, to move this mass of resources to strengthening the Revolutionary Guards, the Basij militia and, above all, the Force Quds special actions. This military structure has a mandate to substantially increase its actions in three main theaters of influence: the triple border between Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil, Panama and Venezuela.

The Quds Force commander, Qassem Soleimani, has recently approved the appointment of 150 staff positions in Latin America during 2011, including bureaucratic posts at headquarters and operational positions in the region. As part of that mass of $ 4,500 million, Soleimani transferred $ 87 million to the Quds Force are intended for use in Latin America, including $ 7 million to finance measures to drive Hezbollah's international operations in this region.

In Soleimani granted that Iran sees Latin America as a site of great potential for Iran's interests, so that the resources should be injected at the height of the diagnosis. To Soleimani, Quds Force (especially violent actions of Hezbollah overseas) now has a greater power in areas inhabited by Shiite communities of origin. Ahmadinejad had the audacity to steal the budget of a vast network of civilian infrastructure in Iran, a startling decision that the intelligence services of Europe and North America all give the order to cope, especially the social unrest in a boiling buried in the Islamic Republic. In the eyes of intelligence agencies, the regime of Ahmadinejad wants to strengthen the Quds Force to reinvigorate their irregular and illegal actions on several continents.

Quds is the military organization that functions as subversive arm of the Revolutionary Guards in various parts of the world where action, or logistics deployed in the service of common anti-Western terrorist operations and especially the Jewish community.
The approval of the huge budget reallocation was endorsed by Iran's religious leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and is being implemented by two powerful commanders of the military machine of Ahmadinejad, the head of the Revolutionary Guards, Mohammad Ali Jaafri, and Quds Force, Soleimani. The money for big oil to Iranian projection in the world will be taken from budgets originally allocated to rehabilitation and maintenance of civil infrastructure, such as electricity, gas, roads and drinking water.

Iran's economic situation is difficult and has been exacerbated by international sanctions against Tehran's ambitious nuclear program. But the regime has chosen, according to the reading of those who closely follow developments in that country, jealously concealed by the counter-intelligence services of Iran, by allocating more resources to its global clandestine actions, severely damaged in recent months following the discovery of a extensive network of arms smuggling and drug trafficking set up by Tehran in African Nigeria (case revealed in "misunderstandings" PROFILE, 19/12/2010). This mass of resources
drip now inexorably toward the actions of Iran in Latin America, as a strategic base is evident Venezuela's Hugo Chávez. Two senior staff officers of the Guard were arrested recently in Nigeria, the African brigade commander of Quds Force, Akbar Ali Tabatabaei, and Azim Aghajani.

December 10 last, ten congressmen had asked the diplomat to the United States, Hillary Clinton, who tried to stop the strengthening of the alliance between Chavez and Iran, alarmed by the growing versions, for now unconfirmed, of a sort of Iranian base in Venezuela.

"We are alarmed by the versions that complain of Iranian missiles in Venezuela, which are added to other projects such as the creation of binational bank run by Caracas and Tehran, oil deals and business contracts. But now we have evidence to say that Chavez and Ahmadinejad are working to develop joint military and South American land to deploy intermediate-range missiles operated by teams from both countries ", denounced the legislators.
In its edition of November 25, the influential German newspaper Die Welt said that Iran plans to deploy intermediate-range missiles on Venezuelan soil. The Berlin daily disclosure of information is based on Western sources, which would have detected the Caracas-Tehran agreement signed during the last visit to Iran's leader for life of Venezuela, Chavez, on 19 October last.

The working hypothesis is managed by European sources that just as NATO members agreed at their summit in Lisbon (19-20 last November) to develop a joint missile defense capability to protect peoples and territories of the 28 European countries the Covenant, against any threat of missile launches from Iran, the counter of the ayatollahs is to establish a strategic base in the heart of the Western Hemisphere, which evokes the attempt by the Soviet Union in 1961-1962, when vectors deployed nuclear warheads in Cuba. According to Die Welt

, the agreement would allow the Venezuelan-Iranian missile Shahab 3 (with a range of 1,300 km to 1,500 km), Scud-B (from 285 km to 330 km) and Scud-C (between 300 km and 700 km) were positioned at the base by Iran to build in Venezuela. This includes training of Venezuelan officers in missile technology.
A document of the Supreme Security Council under President Ahmadinejad and the spiritual leader Ali Khamenei few months ago recommended the implementation of an Iranian-Venezuelan strategic plan to strengthen the deterrent capability towards Iran to the United States and / or nations which have close relations with Washington.

The idea is explicit: Iran wants to step on firm ground for the purpose of South America and his agenda includes nuclear issues and other matters of strategic importance.
early last November, a delegation of Iranian engineers specializing in ground-ground missiles have visited Venezuela to begin planning for a binational project that should put into action in late 2011.
In exchange for permission to operate on Venezuelan soil, Tehran would have been committed not only in developing of a proposed ground-ground missiles between the two countries based on know-how to Tehran, but also in the Shahab 3, a liquid-fueled missile and done on the North Korean Nodong missile array, with a range of 1,300 km to 1,500 km. Iran manufactures

-ground missiles with ranges between 285 km and 700 km. Venezuelan officials are being trained in Iran, according to revelations of intelligence from several nations, not all Western facilities in Sharif University of Tehran, an academic bunker severely compartmentalized and guided by the regime's clandestine services.
The Novosti news agency picked up in late 2010 words Igor Korotchenko, head of a Moscow think tank that monitors the arms trade, revealing a business for S-300 missiles to Venezuela Caracas would pay in cash.

Moscow and Caracas granted several loans for the purchase of Russian military equipment, including a recent agreement for U.S. $ 2,200 million to buy 92 tanks T-72M1M, Smerch rocket systems and other military hardware. In several capitals that if Iran is discounted does not get the S-300 directly from Russia or they could be easier Chávez.

These issues can not seem to trouble the Argentine government, although the recent looting of the air base of El Palomar manifests the squalid situation in the defense capability of this country, especially in the face of potential or actual threats, "from the" ex? Kirchner intimate partner.


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